Hey There! My name is Lisa and I am the Curly Girl behind the Is It CG? web app. I have been on this Curly Girl journey since 2016 shortly after the birth of my twin boys.

See, I had decided to leave behind my 14 years of graphic design and visual communications to stay home with my boys. Fast forward 10 months, I was spending all of my time taking care of babies and not really caring for myself. That’s when i had a great idea … Let’s do a family photo shoot.

The boys had started crawling and were hard to contain during the photo shoot and we were a total hot mess. When the photos came back … I noticed another hot mess … MY HAIR! Ugh it looked awful. So bad, I actually photoshopped it to look better.


Being a stay at home mom is a lot of hard work but in between breast feeding and changing diapers (lots of diapers) I perused A LOT of facebook groups and researched many topics that piqued my interest. That’s when I stumbled upon the Curly Girl Method and I thought … finally, something I could actually do to help my frizzy lifeless hair.

So I joined a couple of facebook groups, read the Curly Girl Handbook and went down the rabbit hole on YouTube. At first, it was easy to find products … I just used what the others were using on the videos. But when I started researching products on my own, I was lost. I couldn’t remember what ingredient was good or bad and the text on the bottles was so small and hard to decipher.

Lucky me, my husband is an amazing software engineer, so I asked him …. “how hard would it be to create an app that checked product ingredients?” and he said … “Yeah, we could do that!” and Is It CG? was born about a week later. We have been updating and maintaining the app ever since.

Stay tuned! We are hoping to add lots of info and features to make this the only site you will need to find information about the ingredients in your hair products.

Is it CG?

The easiest way to analyze all of the different ingredients in your hair products is to use the Is It CG? app. Simply paste the ingredients into the app and it will automatically analyze them and provide a breakdown of what each ingredient will do for your hair. Good or Bad!